Panduan dan tip ini terutama diperuntukkan bagi format Academic, tetapi peserta General Training juga bisa menggunakannya. Keterangan Taskl dan Task 2 dalam uraian berikut mengacu pada format Academic.
1. Percent dan percentage (Taskl)
– Percent dan percentage selalu diikuti preposisi “of”.
2. Menulis kalimat yang mendeskripsikan persentase (Taskl)
Pahamilah data yang dimuat tabel berikut.
Family type | Proportion of people living in poverty |
single aged person | 6% |
aged couple | 4% |
Anda bisa meletakkan persentase di awal kalimat (contoh a) atau di akhir kalimat (contoh b).
a. The table shows that 6% of single aged people were living in poverty.
b. The table shows that the level of poverty among single aged people stood at 6%.
Akan Iebih baik jika Anda bisa menambahkan perbandingan:
– Temperatures have risen worldwide since 2000.
– Car ownership in Britain has risen dramatically since 1960.
Present perfect tense: Subject + has/have + past participle.
Bila kecenderungan tersebut terjadi dari suatu waktu hingga waktu lain yang juga lampau, gunakan simple past tense. Contoh: Car ownership in Britain rose dramatically over a forty-five-year period between 1960 and 2005.
Selain itu, jangan menuliskan jawaban Task 1 dalam bentuk bullet points. Gunakan selalu teks yang berkelanjutan dan gunakan beberapa paragraf untuk mengorganisasi poin-poin Anda. Pastikan tiap paragraf memiliki ide utama yang jelas. Pisahkan tiap paragraf dengan satu baris kosong.
Jenis kata | Naik | Turun | Mencapai puncak lalu turun | Berfluktuasi | Stabil | Naik lalu stabil mendatar |
Nouns | – a rise – an increase – a surge – a growth |
– a fall – a drop – a decline – a dip |
– a peak | – a fluctuation – a variation |
– a period of stability | -a plateau – plateaux |
Verbs | – to rise -to increase – to surge – to grow |
– to fall – to drop – to decline – to dip |
– to peak | – to fluctuate – to vary |
– to stabilise | – to plateau |
Phrases | – to show an upward trend | – to show a downward trend – to hit the lowest point – to hit a trough |
– to reach a peak | – to show some fluctuation/variation | – to remain stable/constant | – to reach a plateau – to level off – to flatten out |
Beberapa adjectives dan adverbs yang sering berguna:
Adjectives dan adverbs | – Sharp (ly) – Dramatic (ally) – Significant (ly) |
Steady (ily) | Relative (ly) | Considerable (ably) | – the second highest – the third lowest |
– slight (ly) – gentle (ly) – a little |
gradual (ly) |
Dalam menguraikan grafik/tabel/diagram, yang penting Anda lakukan adalah mendeskripsikan kecenderungan pokok (tren). Jangan menulis banyak kalimat yang mendeskripsikan kondisi pada tiap minggu/bulan/tahun, ini hanya akan menjadi pengulangan. Tes seperti ini menilai kemampuan Anda dalam menguraikan tren secara keseluruhan dan mendeskripsikan titik-titik penting yang terjadi, yaitu saat terjadi naik atau turunnya angka atau ketika angka stabil cukup lama.
Catatan tentang adverbs:
Adverbs memberikan informasi mengenai verbs, adjectives, atau adverbs yang lain. Adverbs menjelaskan how (manner), where (place), when (time), how often (frequency), atau how much (intensity) tentang sesuatu yang terjadi.
Penggunaan adverbs:
Sekarang, Anda tidak perlu susah-susah cari downloadan materi dan soal-soal IELTS.
Sudah kami sediakan superlengkap, praktis, dan aplikatif!
Gunakan saja Program/Aplikasi dari Genius TOEFL
Contoh: careful -> carefully, happy -> happily Adverb untuk manner biasanya diletakkan setelah verb (dan objek bila ada):
I plan my trips very carefully (bukan I plan very carefully my trips).
Contoh: It was the first time I had been there.
Try to stay near the old part of the city.
Contoh: I had a very memorable trip last year, atau
Last year I had a very memorable trip.
Contoh: I often travel for my job.
I have always enjoyed my visits there.
He ’s never late.
– intensity: memengaruhi kekuatan adjectives atau adverbs.
fairly, quite, very, extremely absolutely, rather, pretty highly, really completely, total weaker, stronger |
Ketika dua atau Iebih adverbs digunakan secara bersama di akhir klausa, urutan biasanya adalah: manner ; place ; time
Contoh (place ; time): I’ll meet you outside the school at four o’clock.
The number of unemployed people doubled between 2005 and 2009.
There were twice as many unemployed people in 2009 as in 2005.
Twice as many people were unemployed in 2009 compared to 2005.
There was a twofold increase in the number of unemployed people between 2005 and 2009. (adjective, kata bendanya “increase”)
The number of unemployed people increased twofold between 2005 and 2009. (adverb, kata kerjanya “increase” )
7. Noun dan verb (Task 1 dan 2)
Masalahnya, kata benda dan kata kerja digunakan secara berbeda.
Anda harus mampu menggunakan kedua bentuk itu secara tepat.
Berikut adalah beberapa contohnya:
There was an increase in the unemployment rate, (noun)
The unemployment rate increased, (verb)
There is a lack of investment in hospitals, (noun)
Many hospitals lack the investment they need, (verb)
Companies should give men and women equal pay. (noun)
Companies should pay men and women equally, (verb)
Bentuk noun dari different adalah “difference” . Bentuk verb-nya adalah “differ” .
Penggunaan ketiga kata itu secara tepat adalah:
• A is different from B.
• There is a difference between A and B.
• A differs from B atau A and B differ.
9. Verb + noun collocation (Task 1 dan 2)
Ketika seorang penguji IELTS memutuskan untuk memberikan skor 7 dalam tes Writing atau Speaking, salah satu hal yang dipertimbangkan adalah kemampuan Anda menggunakan collocation.
“Collocation” pada dasarnya berarti menggunakan kata-kata yang tepat secara bersama. Banyak orang tahu banyak kata benda, tetapi mereka tidak selalu tahu kata kerja yang tepat untuk digunakan bersama kata benda tersebut.
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa “verb + noun” collocation yang berguna:
• to make a mistake (bukan “do” a mistake)
• to make/take/reach a decision
• to have/gain/lack experience
• to have/face/experience difficulties
Perhatikan hal-hal tersebut ketika Anda menulis esai. Periksa kamus untuk memastikan Anda telah menggunakan kata kerja dan kata benda secara tepat.
“Collocation” juga bisa berarti kelompok kata yang sering digunakan secara bersama. Sebagai contoh, collocation seperti “increase significantly” atau “a dramatic increase in” sering dibutuhkan saat Anda mengerjakan Taskl.
10. Untuk Task 2, ada 3 jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan:
a. agree/disagree (opinion)
• Many childhood diseases can now be prevented through the use of vaccines.
Should parents be made by law to immunise their children against common diseases or should individuals have the the right to choose not to immunise their children?
• Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children.
Do you agree or disagree?
Untuk jenis esai “opini” seperti ini, Anda bisa memberikan argumentasi untuk satu sisi atau kedua sisi.
• Struktur esai untuk argumentasi satu sisi:
1. Pendahuluan: topik + opini Anda
2. Ide pokok pertama untuk mendukung opini Anda
3. Ide pokok kedua untuk mendukung opini Anda
4. Kesimpulan: ulangi opini Anda.
• Struktur esai untuk argumentasi dua sisi:
1. Pendahuluan: topik + opini yang berlawanan + opini Anda
2. Opini yang berlawanan (Anda bisa menyetujui beberapa hal dari opini yang berlawanan)
3. Opini Anda
4. Kesimpulan: uraikan bahwa Anda memahami opini yang berlawanan, tetapi secara keseluruhan Anda percaya bahwa ….
Pendahuluan yang Anda tulis harus jelas sehingga penguji bisa mengetahui apakah Anda akan menguraikan satu atau dua argumentasi. Sebutkan saja opini Anda bila Anda hanya akan menguraikan argumentasi satu sisi.
b. cause/effect (problem and solution)
• Behaviour in schools is getting worse. Explain the causes and effects of this problem, and suggest some possible solutions.
• In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of aging populations.
• Traffic congestion is becoming a huge problem for many major cities. Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce traffic in big cities.
c. both views + opinion
Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Berikut adalah beberapa langkah praktis yang kami usulkan:
Tanyakan pada diri Anda, “Apa topiknya? Pertanyaan itu meminta saya untuk menulis tentang apa?”
2) Garis bawahi beberapa hal kunci dalam pertanyaan. Jawablah setiap bagian pertanyaan.
7) Tuliskan kalimat-kalimat topik yang pendek untuk mengawali paragraf 2 dan 3.
8) Kembangkan kalimat tersebut dengan memberikan penjelasan dan contoh yang relevan.
Menggunakan istilah sederhana seperti “Firstly, Secondly” akan membuat Anda fokus pada ISI SEBENARNYA tulisan Anda, yaitu topic vocabulary, collocations, dan examples. Isi tulisan inilah yang ingin dilihat oleh penguji. Jadi, gunakan waktu Anda untuk mempersiapkan ide, opini, dan contoh untuk IELTS, bukannya mempelajari cara lain untuk menulis “Firstly” .
Jangan menggunakan frasa-frasa di bawah ini untuk menggantikan “Firstly” :
• At first
• Initially
• In the beginning
• At the beginning
• In the first place
Frasa-frasa tersebut memang ada dalam bahasa Inggris, tetapi semua itu tidak sama dengan “Firstly” .
Jangan pula menggunakan frasa-frasa di bawah ini untuk menggantikan “Finally” :
• At last
• At the end
• In the end
• In the last place
Frasa-frasa tersebut tidak memiliki fungsi sama dengan “Finally” .
Contoh topic vocabulary (untuk topik childhood obesity, dengan jenis pertanyaan causes/effect):
• Causes:
– eat junkfood e.g. hamburgers, chips, McDonald’s/drink sugary soft drinks
– lack of exercise/physical activity contributes to the obesity problem.
– play computer games/chat on the Internet, rather than playing outside or doing sport.
• Effects:
– these problems lead to obesity/children are overweight, unhealthy, unfit
– a higher risk of diseases e.g. diabetes, heart disease, cancer
– put a strain on hospitals/they will be a burden on hospitals in the future
• Solutions:
– it is the parents’/schools’/governments’ responsibility to …
– give children healthy food/control what they eat/ensure that they have a healthy diet/limit junk food advertising
– restrict the time they spend playing computer games/encurage them to take regular exercise
12. This sebagai penghubung (Task 2)
• Nowadays, people can use the Internet, fax and mobile phones to work from home. In this way, single parents or those without access to transport can find employment.
• Most products are built to last only a short time, and this creates a “throw-away” culture.
• A global economy means free trade between countries. This can strengthen political relationships.
Anda bisa melihat bahwa kata “this” mengacu pada kalimat atau ide yang mendahuluinya. “This” membantu Anda menghubungkan ideide dan menghindari pengulangan. Penutur asli dan penulis yang baik sering menggunakan ‘this’, dan bila Anda bisa menggunakannya secara tepat maka ini akan menambah bobot esai Anda.
13. Penggunaan kata “blame” (Task 2)
Contohnya, Anda mungkin tahu arti kata “blame” , tetapi apakah Anda tahu preposisi apa yang tepat untuk mengikutinya? Tahukah Anda bahwa “blame” bisa berupa kata kerja atau kata benda? Apakah Anda tahu kata kerja apa yang bisa digunakan bersama kata benda “the blame”?
• Many people blame politicians for the economic crisis, (verb)
• Politicians have taken the blame for the economic crisis, (take + noun)
• Other people put the blame for this problem on the banks, (put + noun)
• They think the banks are to blame for the crisis, (phrase: is/are to blame)
Untuk level advanced, Anda harus berhenti berpikir bahwa kamus hanyalah penerjemah. Gunakanlah kamus untuk meningkatkan akurasi Anda.
14. Cause dan effect (Task 2)
Ini digunakan dalam Writing Task 2 dan mungkin Speaking Part 3.
a. Cause – Effect
Pollution causes global warming.
Pollution leads to global warming.
Pollution results in global warming.
Pollution is the main cause of global warming.
Factories pollute the atmosphere. As a result, global warming is occurring.
b. Effect – Cause
Global warming is caused by pollution.
Global warming is the result of pollution.
Global warming is due to pollution.
Global warming occurs as a result of pollution.
Perhatikan penggunaan-penggunaan yang berbeda dari kata “result” (results in, is the result of, as a result). Banyak orang melakukan kesalahan dengan frasa-frasa tersebut.
15. However dan whereas (Task 2)
Gunakan “however” (diikuti oleh tanda koma) di awal sebuah kalimat untuk mempertentangkan kalimat tersebut dengan kalimat sebelumnya:
• Some people believe that schools are responsible for the behaviour of their students. However, others argue that discipline is the responsibility of parents.
Gunakan “whereas” (setelah tanda koma) untuk mempertentangkan dua ide di dalam satu kalimat yang sama:
• Some people believe that schools are responsible for the behaviour of their students, whereas others argue that discipline is the responsibility of parents.
Anda bisa menggunakan “on the other hand” atau “by contrast” dalam cara yang sama seperti “however” . Anda pun bisa menggunakan “while” untuk menggantikan “whereas”.
16. Concessional argument (Task 2)
Sekarang, Anda tidak perlu susah-susah cari downloadan materi dan soal-soal IELTS.
Sudah kami sediakan superlengkap, praktis, dan aplikatif!
Gunakan saja Program/Aplikasi dari Genius TOEFL
Contoh concessional argument:
• Although some people would like to have a lot of children (concession), the cost of raising them has to be considered first (writer’s view).
• It seems to me that television has few benefits for children. While I agree that there are some good educational programmes, far too much advertising is targeted at children. This encourages them to want expensive goods that their parents may not be able to afford to buy.
Concession juga sering bermanfaat saat Anda menuliskan kesimpulan karena bentuk ini bisa merangkum poin yang pro dan yang kontra.
Sebagai contoh:
• All in all, despite the fact that there are some interesting programmes, much of the time children spend watching TV would be better spent on other activities.
Ekspresi-ekspresi yang bermanfaat untuk membangun concessional argument:
While/Although … It could be argued that…
Despite the fact that… Admittedly/Certainly … but/However…
Even though … It may be true that…
17. Membuat kesimpulan (Task 2)
Contoh beberapa frasa kesimpulan untuk tiga jenis pertanyaan esai:
1) Opinion
Many childhood diseases can now be prevented through the use of vaccines. Should parents be made by law to immunise their children against common diseases or should individuals have the the right to choose not to immunise their children ?
Frasa kesimpulan:
For the reasons mentioned above, I believe that … (+ ulangi opini Anda).
2) Discussion ( + Opinion)
Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Frasa kesimpulan:
In conclusion, there are convincing arguments both for and against … (topik), but I believe that… (bila pertanyaan meminta opini Anda).
3) Advantages and Disadvantages
As computers are being used more and more in education, there will soon be no role for the teacher in the classroom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Frasa kesimpulan:
In conclusion, I would argue that the benefits of … (topik) outweigh the drawbacks.
4) Cause/ Effect ( Problem and Solution)
• Behaviour in schools is getting worse. Explain the causes and effects of this problem, and suggest some possible solutions.
• In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of aging populations.
• Childhood obesity is becoming a serious problem in many countries. Explain the main causes and effects of this problem, and suggest some possible solutions.
Frasa kesimpulan:
In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons fo r… (topik, and steps need to be taken to tackle this problem.
18. Opinion dan conditional (Task 2)
Teknik ini memudahkan Anda dalam menyatakan opini dan mendukung opini tersebut, yaitu tulislah sebuah kalimat opini, lalu ikuti dengan kalimat conditional (syarat). Teknik ini juga sangat berguna untuk menuliskan kesimpulan dalam Task 2.
Contoh nomor 1, 2, dan 3 berbentuk second conditional, sedangkan nomor 4 berbentuk first conditional. Contoh nomor 4 ini bersifat informal dan lebih baik digunakan untuk tes Speaking saja.
Berlatihlah menggunakan teknik “opinion + conditional” untuk sebanyak mungkin topik. Memiliki banyak ide tentang hal ini akan membantu Anda dalam tes Writing dan Speaking.
19. Saat mengerjakan esai Task 2, bila Anda tidak tahu apa yang harus
Anierican-English | British-English | |
Suffixes | – am (program) | – amme (programme) |
– k (check) | – q (cheque) | |
– er (center, theater) | – re (centre, theatre) | |
– ize (summarize, recognize, organize) | – ise (summarise, recognise , organise) | |
– yse (analyse, paralyse) | – yse (analyse, paralyse) | |
Double/Single Consonants | enroll | enrol |
fulfill, fulfillment | fulfil, fulfilment | |
skillful | skilful | |
willful | wilful | |
jewelry | jewellery | |
counselor | counsellor | |
modeling | modelling | |
traveler | traveller |
* dikutip dari buku “Buku Pintar IELTS, Institute of English Language Training, B-First”.